Contract Addresses

Waterfall DeFi Mainnet Contract Addresses on BSC.

Please be careful of phishing websites and malicious contracts, and when you interact with our dApp and approving token spendings, please make sure you are interacting with the official Waterfall contracts with the addresses listed below:


Waterfall Token: 0xd73F32833B6D5D9c8070c23e599e283a3039823C

BUSD Falls TrancheMaster: 0x4D364f4e813740D963b03D8c315d6F8c0e6b17E3


Waterfall Token: 0x873801Ae2ff12d816Db9a7B082F5796BEC64C82C

AVAX Falls TrancheMaster: 0x852a59E83FeE95165006d00F83356139aebfCaC4

DAI Falls TrancheMaster: 0x41EA3e25f4eE30C49657dF20564B3B0F21a172b5

MAXI Falls TrancheMaster: 0xd4BcafB934d417D533C5D06f084394205990a6Bc

Last updated